Camera Instancer Script!

Camera Instancer

The Camera Instancer script is now available from! Get it now! Camera Instancer will create a camera that instances the active camera from another composition. You can then cut and paste this camera into any other composition. The modifications that you make to the active camera in the first composition will be duplicated in the second composition. Even if you change the active camera!

Check out the demo/tutorial below!

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Duplicate with Connections Script Updated!

The Duplicate with Connections script has been updated and be downloaded at AEScripts + AEplugins. This update adds an option to use the property index instead of the property name. This can be useful in which multiple properties may have the same name and therefore can confuse the expressions engine. I understand this could be of help with those of you using expressions in Element.

In other news, I have to apologize for the lack of communication for a while. It’s been a busy few months at work and with a new baby at home! But I’ve got a video tutorial I am working on and an update for the Pixel Cloud plugin as well as a brand new plugin on the horizon!

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Point Cloud at the Bi-Coastal User Group Presentations

Lloyd Alvarez of Aescripts + Aeplugins was to give a presentation at AENY last Thursday, Jan 27th. Unfortunately, it was canceled due to the snow storm in New York City. However, he was kind enough to do the presentation online! And even better, my Point Cloud plugin was part of the presentation!

I am currently working with Aescripts + Aeplugins to release this plugin in the near future. So look out for it! And check out his presentation which demos loads of fantastic plugins and scripts including the fantastic BGRenderer script and of course a sneak peak at my Point Cloud plugin! So check it out here.

UPDATE: The Point Cloud presentation begins at 37:30 so stick around for the whole presentation!

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Hosted on AEScripts

Fantastic news! If you’re here, you’ve probably already known AEScripts for a while now. Well, AEScripts is now hosting my scripts on their site. AEScripts is a repository and marketplace of high-end scripts and plugins for After Effects. This is a fantastic opportunity to get these scripts out there. These scripts are distributed under a “Name your own price” model which means that you decide how valuable these scripts are for you! It makes these scripts available for you at the price that you want and it makes sharing the fruits of labor by developers and artists with others worthwhile.

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Recursive Scale Comp

A very helpful script for scaling the resolution of your project. Simply changing the size of your composition will not change the size of its contents. And if the layers inside the composition are nested compositions, changing the scale is simply stretching out a smaller image, definitely so if the scale amount goes above 100%. This script can fix those issues by maintaining the best image quality for your scaled project. And it does it all in one click.

Recursive Scale Comp

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Bake Parent Transform AE

It’s time to move out of the parent’s basement, to cut the umbilical cord, to leave the nest. When you’ve got parent layers driving the position, scale or rotation of a child layer, it can be somewhat problematic to get the same motion once the layer is unparented. This is especially true if the parent layer’s rotation is animated. Ideally, just leave the layer parented. Try “baking” the parent transform into the unparented layer.

Read more “Bake Parent Transform AE”

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Duplicate with Connections AE

Make a copy of a layer and link all its properties to the original using expressions. This is useful for instances in which you need to duplicate an animated layer but you don’t want to spend all your time copying and pasting keyframes just to update it. For example, you may want to have a camera in a nested comp duplicating the movement and properties of a camera in a main comp. Note: using expressions can be taxing on the cpu so turn off the ones you don’t need.

Duplicate with Connections

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