Pronoun Agreement Error Quiz

Pronoun agreement errors can be quite common in writing, especially when we are trying to express complex ideas or thoughts. These errors occur when the pronoun used in a sentence does not agree in number, gender, or case with the noun it replaces. Such errors can lead to confusion and ambiguity, and can even change the meaning of the intended message. Writing well requires attention to detail, and pronoun agreement is a crucial part of that.

To help you identify and avoid pronoun agreement errors, we have created a quiz for you to test your knowledge. Here are ten sentences with pronouns and corresponding noun phrases that need to agree in number, gender, or case. See if you can spot the errors and correct them.

1. My friends and I are going to the movies, but she can`t come with us because they have other plans.

Answer: The pronoun `they` in the second half of the sentence is being used to refer to `she,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `she has other plans.`

2. The teacher gave each student their assignments, and they were required to complete it by Friday.

Answer: The pronoun `their` is being used to reference a singular noun `each student,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `his or her assignments` or `their assignments.`

3. The company is proud of its employees and the work they do, and they show it by providing them with bonuses.

Answer: The pronoun `they` is being used to refer to the singular noun `company,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `it.`

4. Every student who wants to succeed in college needs to be diligent about their studies and attend all of their classes.

Answer: The pronoun `their` is being used to refer to a singular noun `every student,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `his or her studies` or `their studies.`

5. Jane and her friend went to the beach, and they had a great time playing in the water.

Answer: The pronoun `they` is being used to refer to `Jane and her friend,` which is correct. No correction is needed.

6. The doctor told the patient to take their medicine every day, but they forgot to do it.

Answer: The pronoun `their` is being used to refer to a singular noun `the patient,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `his or her medicine` or `their medicine.`

7. The committee had a difficult time agreeing on their final report, but they eventually came to a consensus.

Answer: The pronoun `their` is being used to refer to a singular noun `committee,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `its.`

8. Every member of the team needs to submit their project by Friday, and they will be evaluated based on its quality.

Answer: The pronoun `their` is being used to refer to a singular noun `every member,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `his or her project` or `their projects.`

9. The dog wagged its tail happily, and they licked their owner`s face.

Answer: The pronoun `they` is being used to refer to a singular noun `dog,` which is incorrect. It should be changed to `it.`

10. The president of the company congratulated the employees on their success and thanked them for all of their hard work.

Answer: No correction is needed. The pronoun `their` is being used correctly to refer to the plural noun `employees.`

By taking this quiz, you can learn to identify and correct pronoun agreement errors that may be present in your writing. Paying attention to such details can make a big difference in the quality of your writing and the clarity of your message. Keep practicing, and you will soon develop a keen eye for all kinds of grammatical errors in your writing.

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